On 161217-00:55-0500, Walter Dnes wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 16, 2016 at 02:16:27PM -0500, Rich Freeman wrote
> > On Fri, Dec 16, 2016 at 11:51 AM, Miroslav Rovis 
> > <miro.ro...@croatiafidelis.hr> wrote:
> >
> > > It's been discussed over and over again. Lots of people are firm in
> > > their understanding that Lennart is an actor by and for the big
> > > business. Me too.
> > 
> > Well, he is a Red Hat employee.  Nobody really debates that.
>   Maybe it's not intentional spyware malice, but rather that home users
> are being jerked around while Redhat re-writes linux as a corporate OS.
It's as much created-by-chance spyware, as accidentally-happened spyware,
IMO, as the google android/iphone/windoze phone and others are
eavesdropper devices by chance and by accident. I.e.: not in the least.

While lots of people involved are not (plain) malicious, there is, from
analysis of the big picture, no escaping the conclusion that the
one-ring-cravers needed it, and so they planned it, just like the
aforementioned eavesdropper devices.

Even though, longer term, very very few people knew, or envisaged, say
20-30 years ago, that this Total Surveillance Age was coming.
Miroslav Rovis
Zagreb, Croatia

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