Am 19.12.2016 um 10:59 schrieb Neil Bothwick:
> If you can't work that out for yourself, what are you doing running
> Gentoo. I'm stating it can be done, I have neither the time nor the
> inclination to document it.

The question is not, if I can work this out myself or not. The question
is: Can you prove what you're claiming?

> I never claimed it was reasonable, you asked for a way to read them if
> you don't have systemd installed and I suggested a way.

I didn't ask. I've proven that those binary log files are crap, because
not they are not - say - compatible or interchangeable or whatever to
normal POSIX systems like the text files are.

The commands cat, less, grep are on every UNIX/Linux system. This
systemd logreader (I've forgotten its name) is not.

> But if you intend to dismiss anyone with a standpoint that does not
> precisely align with yours as a fanboy, there is no point in continuing
> this discussion.

It's just that you gave the same silly arguments every Poettering fanboy
gives in such discussions.

> Excellent, adding distortion to the ad hominem insults. I was simply
> pointing out that systemd does not preclude the use of an alternative
> logger.

Just twist it as you need it.

> Why? Because you demand so?

Because the Poettering fanboys and you always say so.

Heiko Baums

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