On Friday 16 Jun 2017 14:35:21 Walter Dnes wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 16, 2017 at 08:23:42AM -0700, Ian Zimmerman wrote
> > On 2017-06-16 14:23, Grant Edwards wrote:
> > > This is not the first time I've seen somebody mention this "songs and
> > > pictures" stuff. I don't understand.  When I use mtpfs to mount my
> > > Android devices, a "file-level view" is exactly what I get: I see the
> > > device's root directory and everything underneath it the exact same
> > > way I would if it were a USB-storage device.
> > 
> > The last time I tried MTP was on Debian maybe 2 years ago or 3 years,
> > using the jmtpfs package.  IIRC this was what happened; yes, I could see
> > individual files, but only certain types, and only in certain
> > directories.
>   That package is currently keyworded.  Use sys-fs/simple-mtpfs instead.
> It simply works; and it works simply.  From the command line

Thanks for the instructions, Walter.

> 1) create a working mount directory, e.g. $HOME/tablet

$ mkdir ~/nexus

> 2) attach smartphone/tablet/whatever to USB port
> 3) sudo simple-mtpfs -o allow_other $HOME/tablet

$ sudo modprobe fuse
$ sudo simple-mtpfs -o allow_other ~/nexus
Device 0 (VID=18d1 and PID=4ee1) is a Google Inc (for LG 
Electronics/Samsung) Nexus 4/5/7/10 (MTP).
Android device detected, assigning default bug flags

(Actually it's a Nexus 6P phone.)

> 4) cd $HOME/tablet

$ ls -la
total 8.0K
drwxr-xr-x  2 prh prh 4.0K Jun 18 15:05 .
drwxr-xr-x 36 prh prh 4.0K Jun 18 15:05 ..

> 5) do whatever
> 6) cd
> 7) sudo fusermount -u $HOME/tablet

$ sudo fusermount -u nexus
fusermount: failed to unmount /home/prh/nexus: Invalid argument

...because it was never mounted - or if it was it was dropped immediately. 
Dmesg has no record of anything being mounted.

I've tried two cables and both USB-2 and USB-3 ports on this box, and I've 
tried fuse as a module and built in. I have the sys-fs/fuse package 

I also tried an older Nexus-7 with the same result, but when I tried a 
Samsung Galaxy Tab S I got this (as root):

# simple-mtpfs -o allow_other /home/prh/nexus
Device 0 (VID=04e8 and PID=6860) is a Samsung Galaxy models (MTP).
LIBMTP ERROR: couldnt parse extension samsung.com/devicestatus:3

Well, Samsung do like to do their own thing.

What else might I be missing? I'm not so bothered about the two tablets, but 
it would be good to be able to connect the phone and play with it.

> 8) dettach smartphone/tablet/whatever from USB port


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