On Sat, 29 Jul 2017 00:24:09 +0700, Ста Деюс wrote:

> But something tells me the reason of absence of the installer are
> much deeper.

Yes, it is that no one has felt the need to devote the considerable
amount of time needed to code and test an installer that takes into
account the far wider range of choices in Gentoo.

The other reason is that an automated installer would bypass the learning
process of installing Gentoo, and cause subsequent issues because you
have skipped that information.

There are hundreds of distros with automated installers. Gentoo is
different from other distros, and this is one of the differences. If you
want an installer that makes choices for you, try one of the
Debian/Ubuntu/Fedora derivatives.

Neil Bothwick

Suicidal twin kills sister by mistake!

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