On Sun, Jul 30, 2017 at 10:53 AM, John Covici <cov...@ccs.covici.com> wrote:
> Thanks.  clone-depth seems not  to be available, so I amnot sure whats
> best here.  I thinkI like the history, so I will see how to do a git
> clone.  I do havethe type as git in the gentoo.conf, but I don't  know
> what happened to clone-depth -- its not in the portage man page.

Feel free to attach the file and we can take a quick look at it.  I'm
also not sure if it only applies on the initial sync.  I think the
option has been around for a while so I'm not sure why it isn't
working if you really do have the type set to git.

And you can always browse the history from the web viewers.  The
reason that we ended up removing Changelogs is that they end up adding
a lot of bandwidth to the sync process (and of course they take up
space), when you only rarely look at them.  Even if you occassionally
do look at one, in order for it to be there you have thousands of them
constantly being synced.

The other challenge was that with the way rsync worked it greatly
increases the bandwidth transferred if new entries are added to the
top (if they were added to the bottom rsync would only transmit the
last block of the file).  However, from a convenience standpoint it is
usually nicer to have new entries at the top.

The general sense is that Changelogs represent the old way of doing
things.  Most projects have gone away from having them, or they just
auto-generate them from git.  I don't think most projects routinely
distribute them either - they just stick them on a webpage and only
people who care about them look at them.  The linux kernel only
includes the changes in the last release in their change logs as well
(which is nothing more than a dump of git log).

Encouraging users to use git is also a relatively positive thing,
because this is a tool with extremely widespread use.  The exact same
commands you use to find out what is going on in the Gentoo repo will
serve you just as well when trying to figure out what is going on in
some other project.  It also makes it trivial to do historical
checkouts - users sometimes are looking for old portage snapshots to
try to deal with updating outdated systems, and with git this is
pretty trivial to accomplish.


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