On 10/12/17 11:55, Wols Lists wrote:
On 09/12/17 12:08, Alan McKinnon wrote:
I'm all in favour of Lennart-bashing, but let's keep the bashing to what
he's responsible for.

<flame suit on>

As far as I can tell, the most egregious thing he's responsible for is
for wanting a well-designed system that works!

Face it, linux is a hodge-podge of things thrown together, and held
together with baling wire and sealing wax. Lennart doesn't want a system
where a small failure in one place cascades and brings down a load of
stuff elsewhere.

Granted he's not necessarily the most politic of people, and has ruffled
a lot of feathers, but I'd much rather a system he's cleaned up, than a
system where everything hangs together on a knife-edge.

I feel like I'm the only one who doesn't care :-P

This is me:

"Seems like KDE and Gnome prefer/recommend or require systemd. OK. Install that instead. I don't actually care what it does or how it works."

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