On Tue, 12 Dec 2017 18:55:15 +0000, Alan Mackenzie wrote:

> You seem to know systemd reasonably well - maybe you've got it
> installed and you're using it.  Please tell me whether my suspicion
> above (that systemd builds stuff into the system that is likely to be
> superfluous to a user, and possibly forces its use on its users) is well
> founded.

Of course it does, any collection of utilities is bound to include stuff
you don't need. This includes systemd as well as the likes of coreutils
and util-linux. The number of programs that you are forced to use after
installation is exactly zero, although most people that install systemd
do so because they want to use at least part of it, and are happy using
the parts they want. For example, I'm happy with systemd's network
management and time sync tools so I use them. I find systemd timers
unnecessarily complex for my needs so I stick with cron for that.

Neil Bothwick

Top Oxymorons Number 38: Government organization

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