On Tue, 12 Dec 2017 20:11:47 +0000, Wols Lists wrote:

> The two big problems I really can lay at systemd's feet is that the boot
> occasionally fails and says "dumping you into plymouth console" but
> doesn't - this goes away with a reboot ... hey reboots aren't supposed
> to fix problems in linux!,

Isn't that the initramfs rather than systemd?

> and Windows has this infuriating habit of
> ignoring my command to shutdown, instead suspending to disk. As my
> Windows partitions automount in linux, this causes the mount to fail,
> and systemd won't boot the system. So I spend/waste half an hour trying
> to force Windows to shut down properly!

Can't you change this with fstab settings. I see a similar behaviour when
trying t mount NFS shares that aren't there, but it gives up trying after
90s and gets on with booting the computer.

Neil Bothwick

Sure, we just route the main sensor through Data's cat.

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