
On Mon, 18 Dec 2017, Peter Humphrey wrote:
>Come to think of it, I have a .me.uk domain registered. I wonder if I can 
>use that...

Of course you can. Just add a third/fourth level subdomain and put
your stuff under this. E.g. I have a domain example.de registered to
me, resolving from-da-induhned. With hosts such as
{www,mail}.example.de and example.de redirected to www.

Now then, internally, I chose hostnames. And then use those, not
resolvable via DNS, via /etc/hosts and dnsmasq. From my /etc/hosts:   ${hostname}.example.de      ${hostname} localhost   news.${hostname}.example.de news   docs.${hostname}.example.de docs    docs.example.de   www.${hostname}.example.de  www   irc.${hostname}.example.de  irc   ftp.${hostname}.example.de  ftp

So, just replace example.de by ${yourprefix}.me.uk and have fun, and
use ${hostname}.${yourprefix}.me.uk, www.${hostname}.${yourprefix}.me.uk.


"Ford had his own code of ethics. It wasn't much of one, but it was
his and he stuck by it, more or less. One rule he made was never to
buy his own drinks. He wasn't sure if that counted as an ethic, but
you have to go with what you've got. "

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