> I have to confess, I set most of this as defaults in make.conf.  The
> most often commands I use, eix-sync and emerge -uaDN world.  Everything
> else is in make.conf.  Listy for those who may be curious.
> EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS="--with-bdeps y --backtrack=100 --keep-going -v -j5
> --quiet-build=n -1 --unordered-display"
> FEATURES="-usersync userpriv usersandbox buildpkg sandbox parallel-fetch"
> Each of those were added as I noticed I needed them more often than
> not.  The backtrack option started out at 50 but sometimes that wasn't
> enough so I increased it to 100.  That has worked well so far.  The
> --oneshot, (-1), option was to keep unneeded things from being added to
> my world file.  Each option has some reason for being there.
Won't the -1 mean that --depclean will remove packages that you want?

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