On 01/14 12:11, Neil Bothwick wrote:
> On Sun, 14 Jan 2018 11:36:23 +0000, Mick wrote:
> > With each job taking up to 1.2G of RAM you can quickly exhaust
> > available memory on older PCs and swapping can start grinding the box
> > to a halt.  Since the move to profile 17.0 I found my old laptop comes
> > to its knees on compiling larger packages like Chromium.  If you also
> > find swapping starts thrashing your drive and emerge moves nowhere fast
> > as it becomes I/O bound, you should consider reducing the number of
> > jobs with MAKEOPTS="-jX" where X is a lesser number than previously
> > used and also reducing the --load-average to a low(er) number.  
> I have 8GB in this laptop (not expandable) and Chromium is currently
> swapping away with -j4. With -j2 it didn't so I'll try -j3 next time.
> You can set it on a per package basis:
> % cat /etc/portage/package.env/chromium
> www-client/chromium disk-tmpdir.conf j3.conf
> % cat /etc/portage/env/j3.conf
> MAKEOPTS="-j3"
> % cat /etc/portage/env/disk-tmpdir.conf
> PORTAGE_TMPDIR="/mnt/scratch"
> The last one is needed because TMPDIR is on a tmpfs normally.
> -- 
> Neil Bothwick
> If at first you don't suceed, try the switch marked "Power"


thanks a lot for all the input.

I disabled pulseaudio via USE flag and recompiled the whole stuff.
And VOILA! : Sound without apulse and pulseaudio! NICE!


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