you need to include the punctuation, specifically the ":"s, which usually are a 
"-", mac addresses use the ":" but unless the syntax has changed/broadened you 
have to have the "-" for seperating the fields in a uuid.  The punctuation is  
part of the syntax (besides breaking the uuid into sections which makes it 
easier to copy/verify).   for data overload see 
<> and the 
associated links. (a good madscientist)
God bless the rich, the greedy and the corrupt politicians they have put into 
office.   God bless them for helping me do the right thing by giving the rich 
my little pile of cash.  After all, the rich know what to do with money.

12. Feb 2018 16:16 by

>>>>> I've got a fresh Gentoo installation that does not boot. I just end up in
>>>>> the Grub2 shell.
> Almost, mdadm says 46488b25:9685a3b9:c52b7449:d592dc80
>> Does "set" in the grub shell display
>> "prefix=(mduuid/46488b259685a3b9c52b7449d592dc80)/grub" and
>> "root=(mduuid/46488b259685a3b9c52b7449d592dc80)"?
> Yes, I messed up the prefix=-line when retyping it.
>> Does "grub-probe -t drive -d /dev/md0" output "(mduuid/...)" or
>> "(md/0)" or "(md0)"?
> It ouputs "(mduuid/46488b259685a3b9c52b7449d592dc80)"

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