On 2020-01-13 11:17, Mick wrote:

I just noticed that there's a new stag3, from 2020/01/12 instead of
2020/01/08 so - since this is a fresh install - I'm just going to start
from there.
The portage tree is sync'ed to the portage tree mirrors.  A newer fs snapshot
won't include the tree itself, but it will include the new default fs
locations for the portage directory.

Not sure what you mean ... you mean that the portage tree only comes in
with the emerge --sync?

A preliminary copy isn't in the stage3 tarball?

I take it your gentoo portage tree is
also owned by root:root in its default installation state?

Oh, I see you're right - I unpacked it though by cut&paste of the
command in the handbook (with -p, I'm sure).

Anyway, I  used a different sync and timed it more carefully: 1 1/4
hours for the --sync.  Completely from scatch.  Completely - only
lost+found and the tarball in the partition.  Using the stage3 that's 4
days newer.  I get the same result.

The minimal CD hasn't changed since the 8th.  Presumably lots of people
have used it since then ...

New hardware: AMD Ryzen 3 3200g, Asrock b450m mainboard.

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