On Tuesday, 14 January 2020 18:36:23 GMT n952...@web.de wrote:
> I guess you're referring to this:
> "The use of emerge-webrsync is recommended for those who are behind
> restrictive firewalls (because it uses HTTP/FTP protocols for downloading
> the snapshot) and saves network bandwidth. Readers who have no network or
> bandwidth restrictions can happily skip down to the next section."
> Indeed that was a sub-theme of my question (although I oversaw that
> "emerge-" was indeed part of the command): could that have an impact on my
> problem?  I'm not behind a firewall and have no bandwidth restrictions
> (DSL).  It's a bad state when you start having to do things which are
> nominally not relevant, because you don't have anything else to lose (but
> time).  That's called "grasping at straws"

Why don't you just try it? What could you lose?

"When all else fails, read the instructions."


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