On 04/30 10:47, Wynn Wolf Arbor wrote:
> On 2020-04-30 22:21, Andrea Conti wrote:
> > It won't, as long as it recognizes it as a protective MBR. Which is the
> > right thing to do, as a disk with a protective MBR and no valid GPT is
> > inherently broken.
> True. It was more my intention to depict what the system "should" do in
> order to access the file system.
> > ... or just bypass the partition table altogether. The filesystem starts
> > at sector 1, i.e. 1*512B, so:
> > 
> > mount -o ro,offset=512 /dev/sdb /mnt/xxx
> Interesting, thanks. I was initially considering something like this myself,
> but after a cursory check of the manual, I was under the assumption that
> 'offset' was only valid with loop devices and dismissed that solution.
> Turns out if you mount a drive like this, the kernel uses a loop device in
> the background and you can use the 'offset' option with block devices as
> well. I feel the documentation could be improved here.
> -- 
> Wolf

Hi Andrea, hi Wolf

does my posting from this morning reached you ?
...I did not received anything back from the mailinglist...


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