On 2020-06-15 16:20, J. Roeleveld wrote:
On Monday, June 15, 2020 1:26:06 PM CEST n952162 wrote:
Thank you for the response.  Unfortunately it didn't work.  The logs are
attached (tgt=portage, system, world) and summarized below.

Perl keeps coming up as a problem, so, as an example, I tried to build
perl, including all the packages that say they need it on the command
line.  Emerge comes back with the same result.  I can't understand why,
e.g. Data-Dump requires perl 5.24:

      dev-lang/perl:0/5.24=[-build(-)] required by
(dev-perl/Data-Dump-1.230.0:0/0::gentoo, installed) USE="" ABI_X86="(64)"

when it's included on the command line to re-emerge:

+ sudo $HOME/adm/gentoo/src/portage/bin/emerge -vuUD --verbose-conflicts
--backtrack=100 --with-bdeps=y dev-perl/Text-CharWidth
dev-perl/HTML-Tree *dev-perl/Data-Dump* dev-perl/TermReadKey
dev-perl/HTML-Form dev-perl/LWP-MediaTypes dev-perl/XML-Parser
dev-perl/Text-WrapI18N app-text/po4a dev-perl/HTTP-Date
dev-perl/Unicode-EastAsianWidth dev-perl/IO-HTML dev-perl/SGMLSpm
dev-perl/Locale-gettext dev-perl/WWW-Mechanize dev-perl/HTML-Tagset
dev-perl/Date-Manip dev-perl/File-Listing dev-lang/perl

<Snipped lengthy output>

With a system that has not been updated for over 3 years, I would suggest to
Start from scratch and copy the config across.

If you do insist on trying to work through this, I would suggest the following
(READ and understand all steps before executing any):

0) Make sure you do NOT change your profile. (As you adjusted it from 13.0 to
17.1, change it back to 13.0, or if not available, 17.0)
- Profile 17.1 is NOT going to work at this point.

1) Rename the world and world_sets files to (temporarily) clear the entire
(These files are located in "/var/lib/portage")

2) execute: "emerge -vauDN --with-bdeps=y --backtrack=200 @world" and
alternate with "emerge --update --newuse --deep @world" until both have
nothing left to do.

3) execute "emerge -va --depclean"
- This is a LARGE set, don't worry, it will all come back (You DID backup the
files in step 1, right?)

4) Fix any config-file changes that are left over and follow this with steps
"2", "3" and "4" until your system is clean.

5) Install, configure and compile the kernel and ensure you can reboot the
system. (This is important for the next step)

6) Follow the news-item regarding migrating to 17.1 and follow this exactly.
(Your install is extremely basic, so it should be nice and easy)

7) Reinstall all needed software (read your world and world_set backup-files
to see what you had before and ONLY install those that you actually need)

8) Fix any config-files that are needed for the software you re-installed in
step 7

9) Congratulate yourself for managing to upgrade a system after 3+ years

In my experience, when the system has not been updated for this long, the
fastest way to resolve this is to start from scratch with a backup of any
config and data files.


Okay, thank you for the support so far.  I'll investigate re-installing (on 
both VMs).

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