On 19/12/2020 16:51, David Haller wrote:
The power supply was replaced a few years ago.  I may buy a new one that
is a little bit larger. It has a 300 watt now, a 400 watt would give
some breathing room for start up power for the extra drives.  I haven't
measured the wattage it pulls now.  May do that later.

Beware: I use a lot of disks and I tried running it with then 8 (or 9?
or 10? Lots!) HDDs with a 500W (or even 550W) PSU. System wouldn't
reliably boot up. Replaced with a 650W PSU and it's running since
(which is, those 10+ years now:)  Currently I have a SSD and 7 HDDs
(and 2 DVD[1]);)

Bear in mind I'm talking about a computer the size of a washing machines, and an 800MB drive the size of a tower case...

Back in the old days, you could configure the system so the drive would wait a certain number of seconds after power-on before actually powering up.

So you'd work out what power you had spare above normal operation to spin up your drives, and avoid overloading the system.

That useful feature has probably been lost in the name of progress... :-)


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