Dale schrieb:

> Well, I have Mozilla set up to send both types, plain and HTML, so that
> you can get whatever you want.

Yes, you can setup Mozilla that way.

>  It makes it take longer to send over my
> slow dial-up but I thought it polite, maybe it is not after all.

HTML most often ist not polite.

Especially not, if it's not used - like you just did now.

> To be honest, I just joined the list a few days ago and it is getting to
> be a bit much.

Well. No wonder.

>  It was sort of humorous at first but I can't seem to
> please everybody.

Well, not everybody. But the way you're acting, you'll
please close to nobody...

>  Maybe I should just cancel and go somewhere else. 
> Would that be OK???

Do whatever you like.

PS: Why did you use HTML for that post? Why did you do a
fullquote? Where was the gain in both actions?

Alexander Skwar
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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