On 2021-04-27 20:53+0000 Alan Mackenzie <a...@muc.de> wrote:

> Hello, Gentoo.
> I'm having problems building rust.
> I build everything in a ram disk, and last night my 13 Gb ram disk
> proved too small to build rust in.  So I increased its size to 14 Gb,
> and tried again this evening.  Same result.  The pre-check on the disk
> size gave an OK both times, and both runs lasted about 45 minutes
> before running out of space.
> Help!  What am I supposed to do?  I've got 16 Gb RAM (I'm _not_ going
> to use the word "only" here), and wondering just how big a chunk a
> ram disk can take out of that before the machine siezes up
> altogether.  But if I increase the ram disk to 15 Gb, even assuming
> it'd work, it's only going to be a small number of releases before
> the clever people at rust increase their bloat even more.

You could use zram[1], it's like a ramdisk but compressed. Source code
compresses very good, binary files compress to ~50% in my tests.

> I know I could plump for the -bin package.  Maybe I should.  But
> before I do that, is it possible to redirect this one ebuild away from
> /var/tmp/portage (my ram disk) without disturbing the other builds?
> If so, how would I do this (or where should I look for documentation)?

You could create /var/tmp/portage/dev-lang/rust after creating the
ramdisk and then bind-mount another directory to it. But then you'd
have to tell portage to not delete it with FEATURES="keepwork"[2]
(see`man 5 make.conf`) … I wouldn't recommend it.

[1] <https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Zram>
[2] <https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki//etc/portage/package.env>

kind regards, tastytea

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