On Sat, 16 Apr 2022 12:45:20 -0500, Dale wrote:

> > You're using LVM, so all the drives should be assembled based on their
> > embedded metadata.  It is fine to reference whatever temporary device
> > name you're using when running pvmove/pvcreate since that doesn't
> > really get stored anywhere. If you are directly mounting anything
> > without using LVM then it is best to use labels/uuids/etc to identify
> > partitions.  
> I have to use sd** when using cryptsetup to decrypt the drive.  I
> haven't found a way around that that is easier yet.  My command was
> something like cryptsetup open /dev/sdk1 <name> and then it asks for the
> password.

Use /dev/disks/by/partlabel/foo or /dev/disks/by-partuuid/bar.

Neil Bothwick

If Yoda so strong in force is, why words in right order he cannot put?

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