Neil Bothwick wrote:
> On Sat, 16 Apr 2022 12:45:20 -0500, Dale wrote:
>>> You're using LVM, so all the drives should be assembled based on their
>>> embedded metadata.  It is fine to reference whatever temporary device
>>> name you're using when running pvmove/pvcreate since that doesn't
>>> really get stored anywhere. If you are directly mounting anything
>>> without using LVM then it is best to use labels/uuids/etc to identify
>>> partitions.  
>> I have to use sd** when using cryptsetup to decrypt the drive.  I
>> haven't found a way around that that is easier yet.  My command was
>> something like cryptsetup open /dev/sdk1 <name> and then it asks for the
>> password.
> Use /dev/disks/by/partlabel/foo or /dev/disks/by-partuuid/bar.

That's even more typing than /dev/sdk.  Some things I do easily by using
tab completion and all.  When mounting, I let fstab remember the UUID
for it.  Very little typing and don't have to remember things.  ;-) 
It's not like UUIDs are made to remember either.  :-[  I think I put a
label on the drive but things are a bit different when using
cryptsetup.  At least I think they are.  The easiest thing, just having
the replacement drive as sdd again and me having sdk as my external
drive.  I still think a reboot is going to correct this.  I can't
imagine it not given how the drives are plugged in.  I just wish there
was a easy solution in the meantime.  To be honest, I've had several
times where this would come in handy.  This is just yet another one.

Your way would be consistent tho.  If I could script this, it would be
the best way to do it.  Script it once, done.  Of course, we know my
scripting skills are minimal at best.  If you could say I even have
scripting skills.  lol


:-)  :-) 

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