
On Thu, 25 Aug 2022, Dale wrote:
>Jack wrote:
>> Related question - how much space would you actually save by
>> decreasing the number of inodes by 90%?  Enough for one or two more
>> videos?
>Now I have to admit, that is a question I have too.

From my tests with a swapfile (which matches what I remember from real
FSen), I think '-T largefile' vs. default frees up around 1.6% of the
capacity, so for 9.1T it'd be around 150G which might be worthwhile
_iff_ you are sure about what kind of files will go on that FS.

FWIW, in a pinch if you run out of Inodes, you can create an image
file on that fs, taking just 1 Inode, format that image differently,
loop-mount it and put ton's of files inside the image. It'll eat a bit
of performance though.

And about the average filesize in a dir: Just find out the size (e.g.: 
     du -msx /foo
) and the number of used inodes (e.g.:
    find /foo -xdev | wc -l
[1]) and then just divide:
    summed_size_in_unit / number_of_files = avg_size_in_unit
for FSen, just divide used space by used inodes.


[1] assuming you have no files with '\n' in the filename

printk (KERN_ERR "%s: Oops - your private data area is hosed!\n", ...)

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