> Is it better to us emerge -U or emerge -N
> I've always done -N but it didn't go very smoothly it seems to me -U
> might be better option but it takes longer.
> Right now I'm doing -U and it is compiling 549-packages.
> .

I always do both except I use the lower case 'u'.  I started using
Gentoo back in 2003.  Over the years, I added/changed options to emerge
until I got a good sane system that works as expected and is stable.  My
command is emerge -auDN world and it has worked for years.  One
difference, I update once a week and on occasion two weeks if I have
something going on and need to wait.  I'd think tho, if one goes a long
time between updates, my way would result in a longer compile time but
also a system that is more stable or clean. 

Everyone has their own way.  If what a person does is working, by all
means do it that way.  I picked my way because of problems I ran into. 
The solutions to those problems resulted in the command I use.  If one
waits a long time between updates, more packages will have updated and
result in more updates regardless of the options.  In that case, any USE
changes would apply to those packages anyway.  If one updates often, as
I do, then the way I do it may have benefits and result in a more stable
system, even tho it requires more packages to compile. 

Hope that helps.


:-)  :-) 

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