On 2023-04-11, Dale <rdalek1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> the...@sys-concept.com wrote:
>> Is it better to us emerge -U or emerge -N
> I always do both except I use the lower case 'u'. I started using
> Gentoo back in 2003.  Over the years, I added/changed options to emerge
> until I got a good sane system that works as expected and is stable. My
> command is emerge -auDN world and it has worked for years.

Once upon a time, a little over 20 years ago, I did some studying, and
I searched mailing lists postings for recommendations, and I settled

  emerge -auvND 

I've been using that ever since on a handful of machines. I'd have to
spend a few minutes reading the man page to remember the significance
of a couple of the flags, but I note that differs only in verbosity
from Dale's usage.


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