Neil Bothwick wrote:
> On Tue, 11 Apr 2023 06:30:47 -0500, Dale wrote:
>>> -U: if a package doesn't need to be updated on your system today,
>>> it'll be left until it does.
>>> -N: if any USE flag at all has changed in a package, it'll be
>>> recompiled, whether it needs to be on your system or not.
>> When I say deeper, I mean it will find more packages that may not be
>> found otherwise.
> And -e finds even more - but more is not always better. -U was introduced
> because -N was causing too many packages to be rebuilt unnecessarily.

Before those options came along, I would run emerge -e world to fix
problems.  Sometimes revdep-rebuild would catch things but sometimes it
wouldn't.  Thing is, since I started using the current options, I have
few problems with package upgrades.  Sure, they have a known bug on
occasion but recompiling won't help that.  I'm just talking about
problems with one package not matching up with some other package and
recompile fixes it. 

To me, the fact it works so much better tells me I'm doing something
right.  Other people may get different results but as long as what I'm
doing works, I don't plan to change anything. 


:-)  :-) 

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