On Fri, Jan 13, 2006 at 12:04:26PM -0600, Penguin Lover Dale squawked:
> I also use that konsole as root because it will allow root to kill a process 
> that little old dale can't.  Some of those Mozilla processes that were 
> running were running as root, not sure why.  It never did that before.
> I did also open a regular console, as dale not root, and when I type in 
> Mozilla, it gives me this:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ $ mozilla
> No running windows found
> ** (mozilla-bin:20715): WARNING **: Owner of /tmp/orbit-dale2 is not the c    
> urrent user
> Since I use dale for the most part, I trashed the orbit-dale2 file and it 
> still won't start.  It just comes back to a prompt and that is it.

Okay, the only time I've seen it when something similar to what you
describe happens (i.e. enter mozilla on the console and have it return
to the prompt) is when there is an instance of mozilla already

Try the following:

  as ROOT, kill all running mozilla processes. Including all instanced
  of mozilla-bin and mozilla-launcher. 

  In a console which you logged in as dale, NOT via su/sudo or the
  like, try to run mozilla. 

Does it work? No? 

Again, kill all running mozilla processes, and send us the output of 
(running as dale) 
   $ strace -o mozilla.strace.output mozilla
(send us the file mozilla.strace.output that is produced by the above

Q: What's yellow and is expressible as a power series? 
A: A bananalytic function
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