Anthony Roy wrote:

>Hi All,
>Last night I decided to set up a rsync server on my gentoo server box.
>I have a partition mounted under /srv, and that was the disk the rsync
>module was located on. I then proceeded to rsync the contents of my
>main PC over to the server. I tested the scripts a few times first to
>ensure that things were working OK, and indeed they were. I then set
>it running when I went to bed.
>This morning I wake up to find the server had crashed and was
>inaccessible. All processes seemed to have shut down. Rebooting the
>computer resulted in the reiserfsck being run - and failing!!
>I have tried reiserfsck --rebuild-tree /dev/hdc6 and I get a complaint
>that the filesystem could not be rebuilt
>bread: Cannot read the block (87878789) (Input/Output error)
>It also suggests (aside from buying a new disk!) to try overwriting
>the blocks if there are only a few of them. How do I go about doing
>this?? And does anyone have any other suggestions on how to recover
>the filesystem?

Google found this:

This is how I did my search:

I have some use, sometimes anyway. 

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