Good morning all,

About 10 days ago we had a lightning strike very nearby that fried our electric utilities transformer and my APC RS800 UPS. This in turn caused my system to crash. When I brought it back up, all CMOS settings had been lost. After setting what I could remember (no, I didn't have them written down), I brought Gentoo back up. Massive complaints about the time being off (I had forgotten to set the hardware clock).

# /etc/init.d/ntpd stop
followed by
# ntpdate
set the system time correctly. So I
#/etc/init.d/ntpd start

Since then, ntpd does not work.
According to ps, ntpd is running

//garbanzo/etc # ps aux|grep ntp
root 19874 0.0 0.3 3656 3656 ? SLs 09:05 0:00 /usr/sbin/ntpd -p /var/run/

But all that shows in the /var/log/ntp.log is
12 Jun 09:05:46 ntpd[19515]: ntpd exiting on signal 15

I've also noticed that the software clock is running about 2 minutes fast per hour. I know I could setup a cron job to run ntpdate regularly, but that is the wrong solution. ntpd had been working fine for years.

Does anyone have any possible ideas what could have happened here?


It is not unusual for those at the wrong end of the club to have a
clearer picture of reality than those who wield it.
                                                      Noam Chomsky
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