On 7/7/06, Donnie Berkholz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Lord Sauron wrote:
> My personal gripe is how slow emerge is on just plain old emerge-ish
> things.  That we have to use things like eix to search is pathetic.
> This NEVER happened in Debian.

Yeah, emerge should probably start caching this info for faster
searches. emerge overall though got a pretty solid speedup in 2.1.

I have 2.1 and it does have a slight increase in speed, though nothing
compared to debian.

> I also am considering trying to adapt aptitude to Gentoo.  I think
> aptitude is the best thing since...  anyways, I love aptitude and want
> to make it portage-friendly.  Just having a command-line package
> browser like aptitude in Gentoo would be awesome.
> Now is the time to tell me how incredibly stupid I am for imagining
> something like that.  Otherwise I might just fire up KDevelop, grab a
> copy of aptitude, and start working.  I'm known to do things like
> that.

Might wanna take a look through the stuff in app-portage/ before you
start. I'm a fan of porthole.

Kuroo is nice, however, portage still lacks the pure brilliance of
aptitude.  If you don't know what I'm talking about, get debian (or
something debain-based) and screw around with aptitude a bit.  The
think of how cool it'd be that you could use it over ssh without
having to use all the memory for remote desktop.  Then notice how fast
it is once you get savvy and start to really leverage it.  It's a far
superior piece of software, and I ended up using it rather than
graphical things like Adept, Synaptic, KPackage, and others.  It kills
both porthole and Kuroo, if that's what you're asking.

========== GCv3.12 ==========
GCS d-(++) s+: a? C++ UL+>++++ P+
L++ E--- W+(+++) N++ o? K? w--- O? M+
V? PS- PE+ Y-(--) PGP- t+++ 5? X R tv-- b+
               DI+++ D+ G e* h- !r !y
========= END GCv3.12 ========
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