Am Dienstag, 1. August 2006 13:36 schrieb Dan Johansson:
> Some weeks ago I updated my Desktop to 3.5.2 and after that the
> XF86AudioRaiseVolume button on my Logitech keyboard does increase the
> master volume. All the other Multimedia keys (XF86AudioLowerVolume,
> XF86AudioMute, XF86AudioPlay, ...) works ok and if I start xev I can see
> the
> XF86AudioRaiseVolume button event but nothing happens. I have even tried to
> set XF86AudioRaiseVolume as a shortcut to "Increase Volume of Master
> Channel" in Global settings of KMix but even that do not work.


For me it works. I can't tell you what the problem is, but you could try to 
make kde run the command 'amixer set Master 1+' whenever you press the 
XF86AudioRaiseVolume key using the input actions in kcontrol as a workaround.

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