On Saturday 09 September 2006 16:40, Colleen Beamer wrote:

> > This is part of my xorg.conf in case it helps:
> > =======================================
> > Section "Monitor"
> >         DisplaySize 336 269 # 96 DPI @ 1280x1024
> >         Identifier   "Monitor0"
> >         VendorName   "NEC"
> >         ModelName    "NEC LCD1860NX"
> >         HorizSync    31.0 - 80.0
> >         VertRefresh  55.0 - 85.0
> >         Option      "DPMS"
> >         Modeline  "1280x1024"   108.00   1280 1328 1440 1688   1024 1025
> > 1028 1066
> > EndSection
> Anyway, I'm not sure that I understand some of the above - like
> DisplaySize 336 269 ... what is this?  centimeters? and how do I know
> that the resolution is 96 DPI?

Please ignore that line (I should have deleted it...)  The measurements are in 
millimeters and invariably needed on a CRT monitor.  I have both a CRT and a 
TFT monitor so mine is a bit more complex than what you need.  I take it that 
you are using a TFT monitor, in which case leave these measurements out for 
now.  The reason I have these in mine is because for some weird reason my TFT 
monitor was getting an odd DPI which made the fonts look blurred on/off 
across the screen - enough to give me a nasty headache 5 minutes later.  (If 
you need to find out what the DPI is on your monitor run xdpyinfo).  Just for 
info, these measurements are either obtained from your monitor's manual, or 
by using a tape measure across your screen.

> I think I remember seeing something that explains the "Modeline" line.
> I'll see if I can find it and figure that one out.

This as well as many more settings are explained in man xorg.conf (spend some 
time searching through the different sections, the required settings are well 
documented).  You probably wouldn't need the modeline on a TFT monitor - at 
least not until you get X spot on.  Then you can read it off xvidtune.  Tell 
me, under monitor have you set the Option  "DDCMode"  "True"?  The X server 
should then probe your monitor and use the settings it returns.

PS.  Look at you /var/log/Xorg.0.log after you startX and you'll see a long 
list of modelines some of which will have an asterisk at the beginning - 
these are the resolutions that your monitor is happy with.  Choose one of 
them if you really want to add a modeline in your xorg.conf.  Hopefully 
Option "DDCMode" should do the trick.

HTH, otherwise please post back.

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