On Saturday 14 October 2006 21:40, Mick wrote:
> Thanks,
> On Saturday 14 October 2006 19:27, Harm Geerts wrote:
> > On Saturday 14 October 2006 19:45, Mick wrote:
> > > I have a vhost account with an ISP and he's given me ssh access - which
> > > is nice.  However, his /etc/sshd_config is set to allow passwd
> > > authentication rather than public key and there's no
> > > ~/.ssh/authorised_keys dir/file in my home.
> >
> > How does that matter?
> > You should be able to create that yourself.
> Hmm, I can't!  This is a FreeBSD server and it's rather locked down with
> respect to normal user access rights.
> > ssh doesn't care about vhost
> >
> > And yes you can, the default sshd config comes with an example:
> > # Example of overriding settings on a per-user basis
> > #Match User anoncvs
> > #       X11Forwarding no
> > #       AllowTcpForwarding no
> > #       ForceCommand cvs server
> Cool!  I can't find this in my sshd_config file for some reason.  So, all I
> need to ask them to do is uncomment #Match User and add my user name and
> options?  Like so:
> =================================
> Match User mick
>       PubkeyAuthentication yes
>       AuthorizedKeysFile     ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
>       PasswordAuthentication no
> =================================
> Is that correct?

It should be if the server supports it, I'm using net-misc/openssh-4.4_p1-r4 
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