David Relson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> A search for "ansi" at gmane suggested using ansi-term instead
> of shell.  That gave me color but previous line editing and such were
> different, which I'm not sure I like :-<
> So I looked in /usr/share/emacs/... for ansi-term and found
> ansi-color.el.  Comments at the beginning tell how to turn on color
> within a shell.  This looks like what I want!

Good, however you should not really need to use ansi-mode.
I do not, and don't have the trouble you mentioned.

In normal shell-mode (M-x shell) I do see the escape sequences you
mention but not in eshell (M-x eshell).

I think, if you post on gmane.emacs.help with what you are
experiencing someone will be able to help you identify, what in your
OS setup is causing the problem.

I did notice one thread where the user ended up discovering somekind
of alias to ls that was causing his problem.


Typing `alias' in an xterm might reveal something.  Here I see:
      alias ls='ls --color=auto'
as the only reference to ls.

Posting there with your exact problem would probably be best.

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