On Wednesday 04 April 2007 07:13:06 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > > I have to copy and paste into an editor just to read the error messages.
> >
> > Easier to just pipe the output into less.
> Doesn't always work.  Whatever generates the color ignores TERM and
> --nocolor and color=n, and doesn't always pay attention to where the
> output is going either.

Well, as stated; that's a bug. Report it.

> > > It has always been so; most portage commands simply aassume I want all
> > > sorts of colorized messages on my screen.
> >
> > And it never occurred to you to just file a bug at bugs.gentoo.org? How
> > are devs supposed to fix your bug if you don't report it? (that's
> > rhetorical).
> Certainly has, but the colorization decision has moved around enough
> that I figure it was a moving target.  What would I file it against,
> every python utility that screws it up?

Weren't you talking about portage? In that case you should obviously file it 
against portage.. But yeah, any app that has a --nocolor equivalent that 
doesn't work deserves a bug report.. Even for apps that don't it's reasonable 
to file it as an enhancement request.

> Besides, the colorization is so blatantly awful as to obviously be
> someone's pet little eye candy contribution; any bug report is very
> likely to be dismissed as just some geriatric fossile who fondly
> remembers teletypes.

First of all I believe most people (including myself) very much prefer colors 
over no colors (no I cannot qualify with any numbers..). That does not, 
however, mean that the pipe detection and --color switch etc. shouldn't be 
honoured. It should (and it does here). Secondly, how did you come up with 
the idea that a bug report would be dismissed if you never filed one?

> But based on past performance, it will no doubt shift around to some other
> package in a few weeks, so I will wait and see. 

'Past performance'? 'Some other package' (are you still speaking of the 
package manager)? 

Bo Andresen

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