2007. 04. 13, péntek keltezéssel 13.03-kor Alan McKinnon ezt írta:

> However, it all works just fine with a lower kernel version. I might be 
> wrong but I think 2.6.19 worked fine, either that or 2.6.18.
> What results do you get by using a lower kernel version, or by using out 
> of tree alsa modules?

Good news! I mean, there are somebody there with a similar problem :)

So, I got this new machine just some weeks ago, so, I started with the
latest kernel+alsa.

I will try 2.6.19-x this evening to see, what is the situation.

By the way, one annoying thing is: there is no master volume.

The other one, even I can hear my voice, I cannot record it with skype.
And I failed with arecord too:
it gives me a blank (only header) file.

I have no idea yet.....


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