James Ausmus wrote:
> On 8/8/07, Colleen Beamer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Jesús Guerrero wrote:
>>> On Wed, 08 Aug 2007 17:57:53 -0500
>>> Colleen Beamer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Hello
>>>> 'API mismatch.  This nvidia component has version 100.14.09, but the
>>>> nvidia's kernel modules version does not match'
> This sounds like you didn't reboot after emerging nvidia-drivers. What
> I believe has happened (my hypothesis, at least) is that you
> compiled/installed the new kernel, rebooted, logged into X,  then
> compiled/installed nvidia-drivers, and tried to restart X. The problem
> comes from the fact that the previous version of the nvidia module is
> still loaded into the kernel. X looks to see if it needs to load the
> nvidia module, sees one currently loaded, so doesn't load the new one.
> Try this:
> 1. Log out of X (if you are logged in)
> 2. Switch to a virtual terminal (<CTRL>-<ALT>-<F2>)
> 3. /etc/init.d/xdm stop
> 4. rmmod nvidia
> 5. /etc/init.d/xdm start
> And see if that fixes it. If it doesn't, then do steps 1-4 again, then do:

Nope, good idea, but not the case.  I did the update world yesterday and
haven't been able to get into X since.  I've been working totally from
the command line and I did recompile the nvidia-drivers after booting
into the new kernel.  The error messages I'm getting are when I try to
start x.

Also, I followed the How To, which tells you to 'lsmod nvidia && rmmod
nvidia' and then modprobe nvidia after compile the driver.

> modprobe nvidia
> dmesg | tail -n10
> uname -a
> modinfo nvidia | grep vermagic
> And e-mail back any error messages the modprobe gives at that point,
> and the output of the dmesg command and the modinfo command.

I'll try this, but I checked dmesg when I first was having problems and
it looks to me that the nvidia-module is loading fine.




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