Hi All,

I am trying to find out how I can see what encoding my vim is using.  Also 
would be good to know how to set it to a different encoding, if I need to.

Some other questions that may help me understand how encoding works:

 - My /etc/vim/vimrc says scriptencoding utf-8, does this mean that this is 
the vim encoding and any new file will be saved with this encoding?

 - If I open a file which was saved with ISO-8859-1, edit it and save it, will 
it keep the original encoding?

 - The vimrc says: " Make sure we have a sane fallback for encoding detection
set fileencodings+=default"  I guess this is system default.  How can I find 
what is the default setting?

Sorry if these are simple questions but never got my head around encodings and 

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