On Monday 14 January 2008, Elyahou ITTAH wrote:

> Ok, ;)
> My Network have a Squid Proxy who allow only some ports like 80 443...

Ok, so you should be able to use 

# export http_proxy="proxyname or address"
# emerge-webrsync

To use the already existing proxy in your network. If you insist on using 
your tunnel, read on.

> Putty is configurated to connect to a box i have in an other place, it
> allow to make a SSH Tunnel who create a socks proxy at localhost:8080.

So you're forwarding port 8080 on the putty (windows) box to port 1080 on 
the remote box, where a SOCKS server is listening on that port, correct?

I'm not sure whether putty allows non-local connections to forwarded 
ports by default, if this is not the case you'll need to enable that 

> Putty listen to this port and send all the frames passing the 443 of
> the SQUID proxy to my exterior box.

How do you do that?

> I wan't to configure Portage to 
> use this SOCK proxy at localhost:8080

"localhost", IIUC, is a windows box, and portage is running on another 
(linux, on the same network) box. So, at a minimum, you'll need to 
use "a.b.c.d:8080" as a SOCKS server, where a.b.c.s is the IP address of 
the windows putty box.

Assuming you have a SOCKS server at "a.b.c.d:8080" (albeit through a 
tunnel, but the apps don't know that), then you need to use some 
socksifying utility for emerge, since (AFAIK) it does not support SOCKS 
out of the box. So, something like

# socksify emerge --sync

should work (though I have not tested it). socksify is part of 
net-proxy/dante. Of course, you need to specify the SOCKS proxy at 
a.b.c.d port 8080 in the /etc/socks/socks.conf configuration file (I 
don't remember the exact syntax to do that right now, but it should be 
quite intuitive).
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