I'm having a little trouble getting www-apps/online-bookmarks set up.

Near as I can tell there is literally no help installed when you
install this package.... A few readmes with a URL to an online help

However, I'm not seeing the behavior described there and it appears
there is no other resource for getting started.

You are told to aim your browser at: 

When I fill in my server I see a listing like one might see in a file

The online site claims it will be linked to an install process but
that is true here.

Its a file listing of a bunch of php files but opening the install.php
does not lead to anything usefull... Instead you see a php text file
that doesn't really work as described.

I'm guessing something in the my php setup/config is not done right.

However I've done no config of php.  I just installed the
online-bookmarks/ which pulled in php stuff.  I didn't see messages
about configuring it. 

Anyone here using this package that can provide a few tips?

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