On Sun, 29 Jun 2008 13:37:12 +0200
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Joerg Schilling) wrote:

> Daniel Iliev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > So, mkisofs.c is the "Program" and cdrtools is a "work based on the
> > Program", right?
> If you believe this and what you claimed later, then the GPL would be 
> a definitely non-free license. See the OpenSource definition at
> http://www.opensource.org/docs/osd

No, I don't believe in anything. I'm just trying to provoke you to
finally explain those things here. You see, I'm such kind of person,
who even doesn't need you to show any reference to public sources where
the attacks against you could be seen. I would understand and accept
your position even if you had only explained it and answered
the questions it arises.

Unfortunately you don't do that. You don't say "There is no problem in
mixing GPL and CDDL in cdrtools because...", the only thing I saw you
saying was "If there is problem with cdrtools, the fork has the same
problem and another 10000 other problems"

Well, I don't give a damn if the fork has any problems, I don't use it,
I use your package, cdrtools. So, I'm interested only and only in the
cdrtools case.

Yes, the questions that I'm arising were originally asked by the people
you say attacked you, I don't try to hide that. The problem is I see
logic in those questions and unfortunately I never saw you or anyone
else for that matter explaining why there is no problem to mix CDDL and
GPL in cdrtools.

The only thing I saw was something like "I consulted layers and they
said there was no problem". Well, that's not enough. Quote those
layers. Ask them to allow you to make their statement public and
publish it. Do something logical at last for crying out loud!

> Unfortunately the GPL has not been written in an unambiguous way.
> This is why the OSI rated the GPL as non-free for several years. Some
> years ago, the FSF explained that the GPL needs to be interpreted in
> a way that makes it compliant to the rules at
> http://www.opensource.org/docs/osd
> Jörg

Alright! GPL is bad! But it out is there, and some parts of cdrtools are
under that bad license. Like it or not, you have to obey it. So,
please, explain how one (meaning you) could mix GPL and CDDL w/o
violating GPL.

Interpret it for me, please.

Best regards,
gentoo-user@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

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