On 29 Jun 2008, at 12:05, Joerg Schilling wrote:

Alan McKinnon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Stroller wants to hear *your* point of view. As a token of respect for
all the users of your software (the original, not the fork) who are
here and reading this, could you please just describe your position,
and omit all references as to why other points of view are wrong.

He wrote that he is pissed off...

If he did not attack me, then he at least does not care whether he could.

I wrote that the *thread* - digressing from useful discussion about software tools and into religion - was pissing me off.

I asked because I wanted to hear your point of view and your reason (for changing license to CDDL). This is not very obvious when searching the web, and the reason given on your website (which I only found after asking the question) is somewhat vague.

Why is the CDDL "more free" and why do you particularly like it?

I wanted to hear your opinion and what you wanted to say - I was genuinely interested in your side of the story. Considering how much else you've written in this thread that seems little enough to ask.

When I searched the web I rather expected to find loads of mailing- list posts, blog entries and other articles and that half of them would announce what a rotter you are, the other half how poor old Joerg has been stitched up. But it is NOT so obvious from Googling.

Since this is the case you would benefit your case by explaining better on your website.

As I told you already I might quite aggressively support your software if you would just make the effort to convince me. No one else on this list mistook my question for antagonism. I deliberately tried to be polite and tactful when asking you, and it did me no good at all! Frankly, therefore, I can see why everyone is "against you" if you insist on misconstruing an innocent question as an attack. If my example is anything to go by then I can only assume that the whole Debian and Bloch fiasco is the result of your own over-reaction (sorry to be so honest about how I see things!).


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