On 23 Oct 2008, at 11:49, Momesso Andrea wrote:
Here are my questions:

- Is gentoo pcc stable enough to work on a server?

I've played with Gentoo PPC pnly on the PS3, so am only a little more experienced than you. Oh! I think I did a base install on an iMac a couple of years back, but haven't touched it since. Anyway, for packages that are in Portage, it seems fine.

- Due to my limited space I'd like to mount some non-vital stuff on nfs
 shares. Is it aviceable to mount /usp/portage on nfs? or maybe just
 the distfiles?

I'm sure all of /usr/portage is fine.

- I use gentoo as the only os on all my machines and it is the distro I
 fell confortable with, but is it really a good choiche in this case?
 Would a compiled distro better fit my needs?

For me, the inconvenience of learning another distro outweighs any advantages it may have. I have a really nice TST ESR316 case here which I bought a couple of months ago and which I am now finally getting around to deploying; with a drive array of this size ZFS really makes sense, but I just know that - any other considerations aside - I'll end up just hating OpenSolaris' package manager and will generally be less productive.

Your milage may of course vary.

It occurs to me that - if you're being GIVEN this laptop, and the university are not expecting it back - you can probably get more for it on eBay than you'll pay for a replacement x86 lappie (even, say, a Thinkpad). I appreciate this might seem like a long way around the problem, but it might save you from some PPC inconvenience. One just knows _something_ will go wrong!


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