> Hmm, if you have a separate machine with the same architecture, you
> can build those binary packages yourself, just man emerge and take a
> look at the buildpkg section. Alternatively, you can cross compile
> binary packages[1].
> Or, why not just use a stage tarball?
> HTH.
> Joe
> [1] http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/base/embedded/cross-development.xml

I'm not an expert, and I don't have a second amd64 machine.  My laptop runs a 
different PC processor type.  How would I go about cross-compiling an amd64 
binary on my laptop, and creating the necessary .tbz2 tarball.  If I could do 
that, I would probably be able to test out the theory that this would fix my 
broken system.



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