Mick wrote:
2009/1/4 Nikos Chantziaras <rea...@arcor.de>:
Mick wrote:
On Sunday 04 January 2009, Graham Murray wrote:
Willie Wong <ww...@princeton.edu> writes:
Before I file a bug, I want to see if this is reproducible by others:

After I boot into the console, if I type anything and then hit <tab>
for the bash completion, it gives an error
 -bash: _filedir: command not found
The weird thing is that if I start X and try the same in an aterm, the
tab completion works as expected.

I am currently on bash-completion-20081218, does anyone else have the
same problem?
I only saw the problem with vim, and then only for user root as a normal
user it worked fine. So I disabled bash completion for vim.
Check your relevant ~/.bashrc for this:

##uncomment the following to activate bash-completion:
#[ -f /etc/profile.d/bash-completion ] && \ source
There's not such entry in my .bashrc.

OK, you may need to enter it manually (and uncomment it).

If it doesn't work for you after you log out/login, or you don't want
to do it this way, you'll have to follow Kevin's suggestion for
debugging all your rc scripts.

Oops, I should have been more clear. Although there's no such entry in my .bashrc, and also none in /etc/skel/.bashrc, but bash completion *works* without flaw both in login shells as well as in interactive shells, I assume there doesn't need to be such entry in there.

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