Thanks. I'll try your suggestions this evening when I get home. 

On Mon, Jan 05, 2009 at 06:33:29AM -0800, Penguin Lover Kevin O'Gorman squawked:
> Since the problem does not appear under X, bash is not broken and you
> probably have a mis-configuration somehow.  The rc scripts that are
> run are sensitive to the nature of the
> session.  Your console login is a "interactive login shell", while
> under X it's merely a
> "interactive shell".  You might want to track down the scripts that
> run in the two situations.
> My first guess would be that your ~/.bashrc sets up completion, but
> that file is not called
> from /etc/profile.  If that's not it you have some debugging to do.

I am pretty sure (though I am often wrong in these kinds of
situations) that my .bash_profile sources my .bashrc, so that's
probably not the problem (I'll double check of course). 

> When I have to do something like that, I pepper all of the rc scripts
> with lines like
> [ -e /etc/conf.d/DEBUG ] && echo "~$USER/.bashrc: \$-='$-'"\
> (modify according to what info you want and what script it's in) then
> touch or rm the file
> /etc/conf.d/DEBUG.
> Don't forget to include system scripts like /etc/profile and anything
> else mentioned in
> the man page (INVOCATION section).

Actually, I wonder if it is /etc/profile that breaks stuff. 

My problem only occurs in the console/login shell, and the login
shell, according to man bash, loads first /etc/profile, then
~/.bash_profile, which I've set to source ~/.bashrc. 

For the non-login shell (in aterm), bash only loads ~/.bashrc. 

And for the second case it works. So perhaps something is borken in

Also, since someone mentioned it in a reply: I realized that
unwittingly I've only tested the behaviour using vim as the leading
command. I have actually not tried other bash completions. So it may
just be something in the vim module. But I am not sure. I'll test it

On Mon, Jan 05, 2009 at 02:56:53PM +0000, Penguin Lover Mick squawked:
> If it doesn't work for you after you log out/login, or you don't want
> to do it this way, you'll have to follow Kevin's suggestion for
> debugging all your rc scripts.


"Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable 
end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small 
unregarded yellow sun. "
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