Neil Bothwick wrote:
> On Tue, 6 Jan 2009 15:06:28 +0000, Peter Humphrey wrote:
>>>> I've seen a dev complain that most of the problems he's had to deal
>>>> with have been due to oldconfig, so I don't use it at all. I copy
>>>> the config in from the previous tree, then I run menuconfig and
>>>> search for lines ending in [NEW] or [DEPRECATED].  
>>> How is this different from using make oldconfig, apart from the UI?  
>> I don't know; I just pick up my clues where I can. Perhaps there's a 
>> difference in handling of unchanged or default values.
> Unchanged values are just that. When a config option is new, make
> oldconfig prompts for a choice,with a default option (the same default
> that menuconfig uses). The only real difference is that with menuconfig
> you have to go through the options, looking for those marked NEW (and
> risking missing an important one) while oldconfig presents them to you in
> sequence,asking for your choice on each one.
> I have boxes running 2.6.28 on which I have used oldconfig on every
> change since switching them from2.4 to 2.6.

I been using oldconfig a long time too and never had trouble with it. 
It basically will make the same kernel but with bug/security fixes.  I
even copied the config over then forgot to run oldconfig and it compiled
and booted just fine. 

I think FUD was the right term for this one.  Major versions, make it by
hand; incremental upgrades works fine with oldconfig.


:-)  :-) 

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