Dale <rdalek1...@gmail.com> writes:

> The problem I ran into when I copied the old way, cp
> arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot, that wasn't the kernel but was a link to
> the kernel in the x86 directory tree.  When I copied the link then the
> link got broke and then it appeared red on my screen.  I thought I was
> going nuts for a bit.  I hadn't heard anything about the kernel being
> moved and it had been a while.  I'm old and I do forget sometimes.

Dale, from one old `f..t' to another.. here is a little tip I use
dozens of ways to aid my sorry failing memory.

In ~/.inputrc

Something like (verbatim):

   "\M-f": "ls -l `find ./ -iname 'bzimage'`"

after saving ~/.inputrc, type C-x C-r to make readline re-read

Then anytime you press Atl-f readline will put that command on the
cmdline for you.

So inside /usr/src/linux, Alt-f <enter> will dig up bzimage and show
any deceitful symlinks for what they are... hehe.

May not be that useful .. at least until someone sneaks in and moves
bzimage again, but I guess you can imagine the many ways putting
things in .inputrc will free you from remembering stuff.

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