On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 09:24:00AM +0200, Penguin Lover Thomas Chef squawked:
> Now that my gentoo system is up and running the applications that I want to
> use, how do I make a reliable backup ?

Personally I use app-backup/rdiff-backup and dump not to DVD, but to
an external harddrive stored in a different room on a different floor.
(Yes, the building may collapse, but then I'd have bigger things to
worry about than my family photos.) 

rdiff-backup does incrementals. So it also allows me to keep several
restore points. I generally remove all restore points older than 6
months. But it is up to you. 

I just run a bash-script every month or so that
  * copies /var/lib/portage/world to /root
  * copies /usr/src/linux/.config to /root
  * back up /etc, /root, /usr/local
  * back up /home
With those files I can rebuild my system fairly simply. (I wouldn't
say quickly as... you know how long some things takes to build.)

"Let me just make k -1."
Mathematica responds : "False"
~DeathMech, S. Sondhi. P-town PHY 205
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