Volker Armin Hemmann <volkerar...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> > There is a 1-5% chance that GNU tar does fail this way, did you try to
> > restore enough GNU tar multi-volume archives? Did you restore more than 100
> > multi-volume archives?
> No, just a couple of douzend so far. My lib takes 8 cardridges. So far no 
> problems. I did maybe four or five complete restores so far. Before that I 
> had 
> a single dlt drive and played disc jokey - no problems there too. So I am 
> well 
> below the 100 multi-volume archives, but well above the 30 mark.

For me it happened with the second try.... A few years after I made a bug 
report, the GNU tar maintainers made the probability for this to happen a bit 
lower but they did not change the basic format that cannot support all cases.

> > ACLs, xattrs and others.
> >
> okay. Then tar is still good enough for me. 

Well, there is no "tar" on Linux.

GNU tar is not tar and GNU tar still does not by default write tar compatible
archives. Star is much closer to "tar" than GNU tar is... 

> See, it is a good thing that you wrote star (and cdrecord and other things). 
> Your code is much appreciated - but I am very reluctant to use a piece of 
> software when another one I am currently using is 'good enough' for me.
> Since I don't use acls or xattrs the lack of support in gnu tar does not hurt 
> me. I also had a hard time to figure out the optimal command line to use my 
> tapelib - I don't want to do that again with star if I don't have to.

If you trust GNU tar, this is your personal decision. I definitely don't trust 
GNU tar.

Every time I was considering to implement a feature (seen first in GNU tar) for 
star, I thought about possible implementation problems and I _always_ found a 
GNU tar bus in less than 5 minutes. The fact that fixing GNU tar bugs I 
reported to the GNU tar maintainers did take between 2 and 15 years makes me 
asume that GNU tar is not well maintained.

> > > can star decompress files?
> >
> > Are you kidding?
> nope. 
> http://bulk.fefe.de/lk2006/
> For some reason, my tar hung on Solaris. I have no idea why. truss showed 
> that 
> it wasn't in a syscall at that time. So I used star instead. Turns out that 
> star can't do "star xzf -", it will say "Can only compress files." ROTFL! OK, 
> so I used "|gzip -dc|star xf -" instead. What the hell.

Your mistake is to quote a well known troll.

This troll in special did use a command line that would expect him to manually 
type _compressed_ _tar_ _archives_ on his tty.......

BTW: recent star versions would print "star: Archive cannot be a tty." for his
useless command line.


 EMail:jo...@schily.isdn.cs.tu-berlin.de (home) Jörg Schilling D-13353 Berlin
       j...@cs.tu-berlin.de                (uni)  
       joerg.schill...@fokus.fraunhofer.de (work) Blog: 
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