On Sat, Dec 12, 2009 at 06:32:58AM +0100, Penguin Lover Volker Armin Hemmann 
> and what is the advantage? Why do you keep your computer running, wasting 
> energy? Is there any good reason? 

I travel a lot. It is convenient to have a server to serve my e-mail
and personal files. There are certain (financial/identification/etc.)
documents that I would prefer not store on someone else's server. 

And considering the intrusive border checks now that US is
implementing, I would also prefer not to have those files on my laptop
or on a thumbdrive. 

Besides, it also is a in-facing file/print server for the family LAN,
so not having to keep turning it off and on is rather convenient. 

You may disagree, but considering that the box is almost 10 years old
and doesn't actually use all that much power idling, for the moment
being I think it is acceptable. 



REMEMBER: "Stressed" spelled backward is "desserts"
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